Country Report Zambia May 2011

The political scene: Mr Banda is endorsed as the MMD's presidential candidate

As expected, Mr Banda was elected-unopposed-as leader of the MMD at the party's convention in April, and was endorsed as its presidential candidate for the election due later this year. Following weeks of bickering over the post of party vice-president, which has been vacant since 2005 (September 2005, The political scene), the position was scrapped entirely at the convention. The MMD national chairman, Michael Mabenga-another ally of Mr Banda's-is now the second most powerful person in the party. The decision to scrap the post may have been cemented by the announcement by Patrick Musonda, the former MMD youth chairman, that he would contest it. This would have pitted Mr Musonda against the national vice-president, George Kunda, who was believed to be Mr Banda's favoured candidate for the position. Mr Musonda was subsequently suspended from the party on April 7th on charges of indiscipline.

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